Sunday, 31 May 2015


Whether we like it or not, the Internet has come to stay and is not likely to leave any time soon. So, why don't we start making the most of it? But to do so, we need to have a more thorough knowledge of the matter. To start with, let's have a look at some of the vocabulary and put it into practice, Shall we? 

Sunday, 24 May 2015


The certificate exam is getting closer and closer and it would be a good idea to think about the vocabulary that may be used to speak about this topic, the questions that candidates could be asked by their peers or the things you would like to talk about. Now I suggest that you spend a couple of minutes doing this guessing game. I am pretty sure you will manage to do it.

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Reporting verbs

Using reporting verbs is easier than you think. Reporting verbs help you in order to use fewer words in reported speech. Have a look at this document and you will improve your ability to use them. Is everything clear? If the list contains verbs you don't understand, visit this other page and reporting verbs will be much more understandable. Don't you think? But then, you will want to do some practice or check that you know them really well. Do this activity! It is enjoyable and you will surely be able to use these verbs as if you were a native speaker. 

Sunday, 17 May 2015


Talking about houses is very common in the intermediate level. Can you keep a conversation about this issue for about three minutes? I hope so. First you will need some vocabulary. Then you will need some ideas. And  finally to have some fun and check you remember some of the vocabulary you have learnt, you can always take part in this interactive activity. I hope it is challenging enought for you to enjoy it. 

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Modal Verbs of Obligation

We have all heard about modal verbs of obligation. But do we know how to use them? Read this document and you will know more about them. But in order to check if you have them under control, don't you want to try filling the gaps in the following exercise

Saturday, 9 May 2015


Are  you sure you remember most of the words you have learnt about education? Do you want to check you do?  Before you have second thoughts, I will encourage you to do this crossword. I am pretty sure you will do well!

Friday, 1 May 2015

Reported speech

I am sure you have reported more than once what someone had said before. It is quite easy, isn't it? We do that every time we spread some gossip. Here, you will find some rules to do it in English. And now, if you need to check you have it under control, try with this online test. Oh, I forgot that in case you run out of reporting verbs, just have a look at this