Monday, 20 May 2019

Profetubers despedida

as I have said before, I had many goals in mind,  but I don’t know how many I have managed to achieve. The lack of time has forced me to do some activities a bit too fast,  but I have learnt a lot about how the process of creating videos and I hope to put this knowledge to use in the future.

Como he dicho antes tenía muchos objetivos en mente , pero no sé cuántos he logrado p alcanzar. La falta de tiempo me ha forzado a realizar algunas actividades con excesiva rapidez, pero he aprendido mucho sobre el proceso de creación de vídeos y espero usar esos conocimientos en el futuro.
Sè suponía que tenía que poner esto de for,a bonita pero lo acabo de ver y la cabeza no me da para más si tengo tiempo lo haré mañana, si no he disfrutado mucho en esta andadura.

Profetubers and last but not least

This is an activity to check you understand the video
Hi guys. This is the last post I will write related to the course on profetubers. In this case, there is a video. It is nothing to write home about, but I have created it in a very limited amount of time. I promise to change it when I have more time and add subtitles and other things. Please! Don't try to add the subtitles. They are crappy. And if you read them, the story will not have any sense at all.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

My first storyboard

This is an experiment. I had never created a storyboard and I want to know if this looks good once I publish it here. I still don't know if I should add time spans or not, but I want to see if at least people can see what I publish.

Monday, 13 May 2019 This is the address of the YouTube video I have used for the activity. Since I don't have time to prepare a power point presentation with the suggested activities following Bloom and Kolb. I have changed the pdf in jpgs and I will put them here. Sorry but my time is full of exam editing, but I would like to finish the course in order to know what comes ahead.
Esta es la dirección del video de YouTube que he usado para la secuencia de actividades. Ya que no tengo tiempo para preparar una presentación de power point que incluya las actividades relacionadas con los procesos mentales que describen Bloom and Kolb, he transformado el pdf en varios jpgs que incluiré aquí.
Lo siento, pero desde algún tiempo me paso los días editando exámenes, y aún así me gustaría continar  el curso para saber qué viene después.
Como he dicho antes, las actividades están diseñadas para alumnos de segundo de básico que están aprendiendo inglés como lengua extranjera.
As I have previously said, the activities are designed for students who  are studying  English as a second language in their second year of the basic level.

Saturday, 20 April 2019

#Profetubers_ex. Comparativa de plataformas de vídeo

Hi guys, in this case I am going to
compare two video platforms. DailyMotion is known mainly known by parents who see how their children visit the page. I had never heard of it before. Youtube is quite famous and it is very used by students of Languages and music lovers. You can see the comparison here should you be interested in it.
Hola chicos, en esta entrada voy a comparar dos plataformas de vídeo. DailyMotion es una plataforma que conocen muchos padres que ven cómo usus hijos visitan la página. Yo nunca la había visto hasta que me puse a buscar plataformas de vídeo gratuitas. Youtube es bastante famosa y la usan mucho los estudiantes de idiomas y los amantes de la música. Los datos podrían resultaros interestantes si queréis echarle un vistacito.

Friday, 5 April 2019

#Profetubers_ex Analysis of a video platform in English and Spanish

 Hi guys, I haven't introduced anything new for a long while. I have been pretty busy with my That's English classes. This entry is not about English, but about the course I am doing. I hope you find it interesting. La presentación está en inglés y español.
Analysis of a video platform.

Monday, 18 March 2019

Profetubers_ex (diario de aprendizaje 3

First of all, and bearing in mind I love music, I use songs from You Tube in my classes. In November or so, I ask my students to write the title of a song they want to hear. It is incredibly easy to find videos of songs in English. You can even find covers and features of most of famous songs, which is a great advantage in English teaching. Sometimes, I take some words that I put at the end of the song in alphabetical order so that they put them in the right place after watching the video.
 You tube has not only songs, but grammar quizzes, explanation of some aspects of grammar, examples of how some words are pronounced, topics for conversation and many other things.
I use most of these videos depending on whether the students belong to That's English or they attend the classes regularly. With the basic level students I mostly use the pronunciation videos, because they want to know how the words are pronounced and with the advanced levels, I use the grammar videos,  the listening comprehension or the speaking ones.
Besides youtube, there are plenty of other pages that offer audio or video like elllo or the British council page. I try to use them often since they provide students with real conversations which help them to improve their pronunciation, intonation and listening and speaking skills.
I forgot to mention that in our school we make use of eScholarium, which is a platform that on the one hand can be used to show our students what we have done in the previous lessons, and on the other, to do interactive activities that assess their learning progress or it just creates a relaxing atmosphere that fosters their involvement in the teaching-learning process. 
In my school there is also a radio project: (radioedu) and some of my colleagues record some of the activities and send them to the radio in the form of podcasts. I am not part of this project because with That's English groups and the groups of students that come regularly (six in all) I am pretty busy, but I would like to be part of it in the future. 
Of course most of us use the smartboard and and other TICs in order to prepare our lessons and also so as to make our classes more entertaining and dynamic. 

Saturday, 16 March 2019

Diario de aprendizaje 2 (presentación)

   (#Profetubers_ex) Diario de aprendizaje 2This is a new entry for the course I am doing. In this entry you´ll see a presentation in which I mention some things people might not know about me, two things I wouldn't stop doing for the world and a reason why I wanted to be a teacher. I hope you find it interesting.

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

(#Profetubers_ex) Diario de aprendizaje 1

      Hi guys, today I've started a new task. Sorry for taking so long to write something here, but I've been pretty busy dealing with my facial palsy and my students' exams. I really want to be a good teacher, and in order to be so, I need to know more and more about new technologies. The course I have just started is called profetubers and I hope to learn a lot about how to deal with video editing and any other stuff I can learn here. I really hope this helps me in order to upload videos to my blog and eScholarium. Wish me luck!👍

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

What are you thinking about?

Every second there's a new thought, and it is probably different from the one you had a second ago. So, what are you thinking about right now? Is it about your next holidays? Do you have the February exams weighing on your mind? Whatever it is, I am pretty sure people would like to know about it. Because one of the things which are common in most human beings is curiosity. Have you heard the saying "Curiosity killed the cat"? I am a curious one and I can tell you I'm dying to know what is  the thought that is making you smile, or sad, or nostalgic. Write about 20 words telling people about it. Make other people smile and at the same time, put your writing skills into practice.