Monday, 20 May 2019

Profetubers despedida

as I have said before, I had many goals in mind,  but I don’t know how many I have managed to achieve. The lack of time has forced me to do some activities a bit too fast,  but I have learnt a lot about how the process of creating videos and I hope to put this knowledge to use in the future.

Como he dicho antes tenía muchos objetivos en mente , pero no sé cuántos he logrado p alcanzar. La falta de tiempo me ha forzado a realizar algunas actividades con excesiva rapidez, pero he aprendido mucho sobre el proceso de creación de vídeos y espero usar esos conocimientos en el futuro.
Sè suponía que tenía que poner esto de for,a bonita pero lo acabo de ver y la cabeza no me da para más si tengo tiempo lo haré mañana, si no he disfrutado mucho en esta andadura.

Profetubers and last but not least

This is an activity to check you understand the video
Hi guys. This is the last post I will write related to the course on profetubers. In this case, there is a video. It is nothing to write home about, but I have created it in a very limited amount of time. I promise to change it when I have more time and add subtitles and other things. Please! Don't try to add the subtitles. They are crappy. And if you read them, the story will not have any sense at all.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

My first storyboard

This is an experiment. I had never created a storyboard and I want to know if this looks good once I publish it here. I still don't know if I should add time spans or not, but I want to see if at least people can see what I publish.

Monday, 13 May 2019 This is the address of the YouTube video I have used for the activity. Since I don't have time to prepare a power point presentation with the suggested activities following Bloom and Kolb. I have changed the pdf in jpgs and I will put them here. Sorry but my time is full of exam editing, but I would like to finish the course in order to know what comes ahead.
Esta es la dirección del video de YouTube que he usado para la secuencia de actividades. Ya que no tengo tiempo para preparar una presentación de power point que incluya las actividades relacionadas con los procesos mentales que describen Bloom and Kolb, he transformado el pdf en varios jpgs que incluiré aquí.
Lo siento, pero desde algún tiempo me paso los días editando exámenes, y aún así me gustaría continar  el curso para saber qué viene después.
Como he dicho antes, las actividades están diseñadas para alumnos de segundo de básico que están aprendiendo inglés como lengua extranjera.
As I have previously said, the activities are designed for students who  are studying  English as a second language in their second year of the basic level.